Here are the rules of the story virus: Take the ongoing tale, continue it, and pass it on. Simple, eh? Here goes:
The bus was more crowded than usual. It was bitterly cold outside, and I hadn't prepared for it. I noticed that a fair number of the riders were dressed curiously. As I glanced around, I stretched my feet and kicked up against a large, heavy cardboard box laying under the seat in front of me. (Splotchy)
I hunched down to see what it was, but as I did, the bus violently veered to left. I was thrown up against a heavyset Asian woman with blond hair. I pardoned myself, but she faced forward with no reply. Just then, a man wearing a jumpsuit of silver and gold stood up at the front of the bus. He was holding a megaphone and a box of graham crackers. He held the megaphone up to his face and began to speak... (Some Guy)
"Ladies and Gentlemen...please do not be afraid! I am here to help you" he said in a mighty booming voice. As he began to step towards me I felt a hand creep its way around my throat and all of a sudden I was pressed against the mighty bosom of the Asian woman as she she hauled me to my feet. She began to back away from the costumed crusader all the while holding me, feet dangling in the air. I panicked and my eyes searched the bus, hoping to connect with someone, anyone who would be able to help me. My eyes met those of the hero in gold and just as I began to gasp for air he yelled...(~E)
"Put her down and no one gets hurt", he yelled at the Asian woman. All the passengers turned to see what was going on and, as they did, I noticed they were more panicked than I was. A small bespectacled man closest to us hissed at my captor and said in a low voice "Take me, just don't hurt her." My fear gave way to curiosity. Who were all these people, and why were they so concerned for my well being?
The Asian blonde's back was now pressed against the back of the bus, and she increased her grip on me as the megaphone man crept slowly towards us. As he passed through the bus people started getting up, and now they formed a small army behind him. He raised the box of graham crackers above his head and put his lips to the megaphone... (That Damn Expat)
...and emitted an earthly high scream. I was blown away, for I did not know I was in the presence of such being."Ar-are," I stammered. "Are you.... Rah-r-rob-robert Plant??" He gave me a sharp look, as if he knew that I am really bad at stammering."Did you let the dogs out, miss?" He asked, in a clipped tone."Wh-what?" I asked, trying to keep up the stutter, but failing quickly."The dogs, your chihuahua and your minature pincer. Before you left and got onto this most dangerous of public transportation vehicles, did you let your dogs out so that they could relieve themselves?"I was flabbergasted, as I thought back, and gasped. Had I? (Morgan the Muse)
I had to find out, and FAST. After realising that I did not have any home-automation in place, and so did not have any cameras to log into. There was only one option. I quickly grab my laptop from my bag, and use my uber 1337 skills to hack into the brain-chip of the driver, causing him to turn around, and break every road law, and several other laws, back to my house. I briefly wonder whether this is ethical, or even moral, but there is no time to decide, because...(Scutterman)
With the screech of brakes, and the hiss of hydraulics, the bus was back at my house. The Asian woman, stunned at the force of Plant's vocalizations, had released me, and I stumbled off of the bus in a haze. The bus lurched back into traffic, when I realized what had happened. I don't even own any dogs! Robert Plant doesn't live anywhere near me! Either something is desperately wrong with my version of reality, or I am having a deeply psychotic nightmare. (Innocents, Accidents...)
My feet were cold and wet. I was standing outside my door, trying to fit my cell phone into the keyhole. Of course, I was not very successful, but I was getting increasingly frustrated and I threw the phone against the door and grunted in displeasure. The sun was out, but the light wasn’t quite right. I assumed that perhaps I was still asleep and began to jump and scream nonsense noises to try to rouse myself to consciousness. I was shaking my head vigorously and started spinning. That is when the real nightmare began and I realized that there were three squad cars, lights flashing, converged on my lawn; and half a dozen horrified police officers watching me with their guns drawn. (Kali's Temple of Doom)
I tag:
Update: Sadly, Nick can't play right now, so instead I tag
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